
Google's Satellite Map.HK

If you want to take a look of the HK satellite map,
you can go to there
[1] open http://map.google.com ;
[2] input ' Hong Kong' on the searching text box + click [Search] button ;
[3] click the [Satellite] button on the webpage,
then , you will see the Hong Kong satellite map.

If you can open the map successfully, you can try to get close look of your living place by drag and click zoom in button [+]. This online map are draggable. I can locate my home (building) through this online map clearly. I am really supprised on this great map when I first to use that.

There have another way to open the HK satellite map,
just simiple click here => http://maps.google.com/maps?q=hong+kong&t=k&hl=en

